Harapan Mereka Aspirasi Bersama

Friday, July 06, 2012

Telematch cum Farewell for the practicum teachers

In this rainny morning, with some sadness going on, the 3 trainee teachers preparing their stuffs for tele-match later. After one whole semester "sinking" in this field, is time for them to go off so to wait for posting and so on. a picture says a thousand words, so let me stop talking or else it will be way too long for you to read...=)

Balloon!!! yeah, guess what? it will be used for one of the section! oh no~~

 Group 5,4,3,2 and 1

Ain giving some briefing to the teachers and is time for teachers to pick their groups according to your LUCK! Good luck teachers!

"bringing" ping pong on a plastic spoon, walk till the cone and make one turn!

spongebob! it requires skill!! 

Teamwork! see it? 

Individual Stepping Stone! This is to see how you are able to protect your own balloon and never let others step on your balloon by any chance! Left Mubin and Ms. Joyce for the final! go go teacher! *cheering for teachers for sure* 

Something like a kangaroo stunt! one of the group even had this flatted volleyball to jump with!

Little briefing from our Special Education Senior Assistant, interpreted by Mdm. Salomi Naim

Yippie, can you see it? Pressies are out!!!!

Lucky ones as well as winners for the tele-match!

After a full sweating session together with the students, we got to rest for awhile before proceed to the form2KA classroom to have some tea and food prepared by our Students Assistants as well as Mdm Salomi Naim ~ Thank you so much! yummy...

Food ~ speech by the senior assistant ~ prayer done by Mr Rosle Mahat @ Kassim

All the hungry faces after a good laugh and good sweat!

While everyone enjoying their food, is time for the token to be given away ~ 




After this was the prizes-giving-away session by the trainee teachers to the students