Harapan Mereka Aspirasi Bersama

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lawatan dari SMK Alor Akar, Kuantan, Pahang

1 Week ago, all members of Special Education prepared for the visiting of students and teachers from SMK Alor Akar, Kuantan, Pahang.

When they arrived ~

We started to do the final preparation early morning: set up video, arrange the hall, prepared food and drinks...Everyone giving their full cooperation. At around 8.30am, they finally arrived and being welcomed by our Special Education Senior Assistant ~ Ust Sajat Bin Ahmad. Brought them to the TV room for some brief introduction as well as to watch the video of Special Education SMK Tun Mutahir.

Teacher from SMK Alor Akar interpreting what was being said

Photo from Left: Sp. Ed Senior Assistant Ust Sajat Bin Ahmad, Representative from SMK Alor Akar, Kuantan, Pahang, Senior Assistant of Students Affair & Sp.Ed Coordinator Ust Rosle Mahat @ Kassim

After the short meeting, led by our Senior Assistant, they visited classrooms and only certain parts of the school since it was raining heavily. Followed by a light refreshments for the teachers and students. The trip ended with a group photo taking session.

Visiting from class to class

 Refreshments for students

Refreshments for teachers

The Special Education Department of SMKTMu was glad to have all of you here! Welcome to Malacca and Welcome to SMKTMu! Safe journey and enjoy the trip.